
Activate and toggle spellist

Ok so this is kinda weird.

Been beta-testing the new way to activate the books for a while now. But when I release the function to the public the navigation got a bit messy. There are duplicate names rendered for the books until activate a new one. But after a page-reload its a bit messy again.
Im sorry to say that Im all out of time today and I have to leave it like this for a while (24 hours). But you can get a feel for it.

+ Added a minimize button for spellist under the spellbook-pages.
+ The page for Manage Spellbook was added the same feature as the navigation and got a bit messy. But if you activate a new book the list in the navigation will be updated and vice versa

Remember that if you made a donation with another e-mail account than the one you are registered with you need to contact me to unlock the add-free version.